Thursday, June 27, 2013

Considering the icon - Update on work in progress

In my work, I set out to depict the iconographic qualities I believe each of us embody within the privacy of our lives. In effect, the process for me is one of veneration - of honouring the sanctity and holiness that each of us innately has. 
The term Icon traditionally refers to the pictorial representation of usually a religious deity or idol. In modern terms the term is used in computer terminology and also in reference to a person who has gained notoriety within culture.
The subjects I choose to paint, are not famous or revered by the masses, they are individuals whom I have observed over an extended period of time, without them being aware, who in moments I have witnessed iconographic qualities and have felt compelled to portray.

Here are a few more images of the painting of Franklin in progress. The painting for me is almost complete and I have begun drawing the next one.

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