In 2006, I did the Alice series - a story of my divorce. There is humour always in tragedy. I woke oneday and felt compelled to do the Alice series. The paintings sold and people started asking for prints. This led me to doing a book of prints and prose.
Below are the images and prose that went with each work. The books are still made to order.
'twas a teaparty
- is what it was
Sugar dusted
frosted coated
a truly yummy affair...
i watched you quaff nursery tea
& dust plump crumbs
from off of your smock..
mock! (me)
- in my prettiest frock
Greedy eyes you slid
everywhich way
whilst shoveling cake
into your
there goes your heart"
-she cried
(whilst blushing like the stood-up bride)
fumbling with my pride
- i couldnt catch it
even if i tried!
it went whizzing past
at such a pace
i lost my footing
in the race...
you so took the cake...
( even saw you lick the plate)
you did'nt wait,
guzzled at an alarming rate
...frosting, filling, icing too
..the cherries & the macaroons!
down the hatch one & all
and then you asked
:-"could i have some more?"
grabbed the plate
(for pity sake)
you even took the wedding cake!
...and then-
"Oh dearie me, i think i lost the key
(to your heart)
- can't quite get the lock to part!
-oh where,
oh where
do i start?"
'neath saucers & tea cups
'neath pillows & books
in crannies & corners
'neath pots & in nooks...
i simply cannot find it
- oh where could it be?
i could'nt
i could'nt
have mislaid the key!
and then...
i caught you texting poems
- behind the bathroom door -
late at night
"oh what a fright!"
(you even locked the door)
i caught you texting pretty prose
of cherry trees in bloom
of wanton miss
of the perfect kiss
the romance of full moon...
where did all that love go to?
just where did it all go to?
thought i kept it in my locket
all stitched up in my pocket
- thought that you did too..
but pockets fray
things get mislaid
& lockets
they break too
& love
like anything gets lost
i know this to be true
... i surely do!
happy birthday to me!"
- i sighed...
& stomped my stockinged feet
& clenched my fists
(tighty tight)
& gritteted my teeth
..but you were late
(oh so late)
for a very important date
& as you left
you stole the cherry
right from off my birthday cake!
and so...
there you go
quiet as a mouse
crushing hearts
scoffing tarts
dropping crumbs about
...turning tricks
& snuffing wicks
& layering the charm
& wondering
(in your handsome head)
"whatever is the harm?"
"too late!"
"too late!"
-he cried
run away...
-watched you run away
bobtail wagging
coat tails flapping
- whiskers in disarray!
artful dodger
roguish rodger
..."oh, calamitous dismay!"
(i say)
unlocked the door...
saw you run
lipstick stains
(all cherry red)
to your collar clung
sweat upon your handsome brow
had me all undone
& maraschino kisses
still fresh upon your panting tongue!
... guilty as a wily hare
whispering sweet nothings in my ear
(i fell into my nightmare)
"what, oh what, is going on?!"
the book - 50cmx70cm
Well done! Lovely to see you blogging and sharing your beautiful words and work X